Salon Policy

No Show/Cancelation Policy

Dear Guests, please understand that when you cancel or do not show up for an appointment without 24 hours’ notice, we miss the opportunity to fill our appointment time and our guests on our waitlist miss the opportunity to receive services as well. Failure to provide sufficient notice means we may need to charge 50% of the missed service in order to schedule your next appointment.

We thank you for your cooperation and continued support in allowing us to be able to serve our loyal guests by doing what we love the most!

“Late Arrivals”

We make the strongest effort to maintain our guest commitments and request that you extend the same courtesy to us. Depending on the service you have reserved for the day and the required time, we may be unable to fulfill your entire service request if you are more than 15 minutes late. In some cases, we may ask you to reschedule in order to provide prompt service to our next guest.